Yousof Naderi

Assistant Professor

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Yousof Naderi is a Research Assistant Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, and a member of the GENESYS Lab and the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things. Additionally, he is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DeepCharge Inc. that builds next-generation AI-enabled wireless communications and charging systems. Yousof is a technology entrepreneur, innovator, and his interest lies in the intersection of research and commercialization. He has the expertise and experience in the development of hardware, software, and protocols for software-defined radios along with track records on building and leveraging successful strategic and synergetic partnerships. He received his Ph.D. from Northeastern University in December 2015.

Yousof is the recipient of NEU Ph.D. dissertation fellowship in 2015, a finalist in the Bell Labs Prize competition in 2017, and best paper awards at IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 and INFOCOM 2018. He has co-authored numerous scientific journals, book chapters, conference papers, and US patents. He has an organizing role in community building on software-defined radios such as organizing member of New England Workshop on Software Defined Radio (NEWSDR) 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. He has served as chair, TPC member, and reviewer of several conferences, and journals. His co-founded company DeepCharge Inc. has received early investment from the Ideaship fund consists of US Panasonic IP and GTT group, selected for Creative Destruction Lab accelerator at NYU Stern School of Business in 2019, and received NEU prestige GapFund360 awards in 2019/phase I and 2020/phase II.